So, you often find yourself dreaming about being swept away by your prince charming, or loved by an amazing woman. But when it comes to turning these dreams into a reality, you shy away out of fear. You may feel scared of dating because of your appearance, feeding yourself negative words like “I hate my […]
7 Tips on How to Text a Shy Guy or Girl
Enjoy texting but you aren’t getting the kind of response from your guy or gal that you are hoping for? Here are a few tips that might help you successfully text on the phone with your shy significant other, or the person you are hoping will become that significant other. Whether you are trying to […]
My Partner Insists on Paying for Everything. Should I Stop It?
Does your partner insist on paying every time? Does this bother you, or are you scared of your relationship? Expenses will always occur in a relationship, and if only one person keeps paying every time, it can become an issue. You may feel worried or like a liability when all you do is watch while […]
How to Meet Creative People?
Creative people have a lot to offer, most businesses will tell you that creativity is on the top ten of their list for desirable skills for coworkers to possess. Creativity is about looking outside the box, it’s about new ideas, originality and productivity. The definition of creative is “relating to or involving the imagination of […]
10 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Kissing
Is your boyfriend kissing you less often? Are you concerned about the lack of kissing in your relationship? Physical touch is a big part of showing affection in most healthy relationships. It is an essential spice to brighten up a romantic relationship. You may feel worried when you and your partner start kissing less and […]
5 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Never Buys You Gifts
Gift-giving is an act of love from the giver to the receiver. It’s also one of Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages, alongside acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. Receiving a gift floods the brain with feel-good chemicals, like serotonin. You want to feel that serotonin high, but your boyfriend never […]