Creative people have a lot to offer, most businesses will tell you that creativity is on the top ten of their list for desirable skills for coworkers to possess. Creativity is about looking outside the box, it’s about new ideas, originality and productivity. The definition of creative is “relating to or involving the imagination of original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.”
Creative people come in every shape and size. Even if you think your job isn’t creative, there are elements of creativity in just about everything we do.
If you’re looking for the stereotypical artist as a creative person, people in the visual arts and musicians, for instance, maybe for you it’s not about business, maybe you’re looking for a Renaissance man to woo you. Your eyes fill up with wonder as he plays rifts for you from Dave Brubec on his guitar while warming up his kiln to fire up some ceramics. If it isn’t the famed Renaissance man you’re looking for, maybe it’s simply a friend. Someone who will help open up your world and will show you and teach you about new and interesting things. How to meet creative people, here are a few different ways you may be able to hunt some creatives down starting with Meetup.
Most of us by now have heard of Meetup since it came out in 2002, but if you haven’t, it’s a huge network of both virtual and in-person groups and events in cities around the world. There are 35 million people that are a part of this social media organization and there is a group for just about everything you can imagine. Specifically, there are groups for ‘creatives,’ from artists to musicians to what is called a ‘creative circle’ group. There is the option not just of going to one of these groups, but of starting a Meetup gathering.
So if you are outgoing you may want to think about starting your own so you can define exactly what you’re looking for. In 2017 there were 225,000 Meetup groups in 180 countries, and there are groups no doubt right in your backyard, or at least close by. Take a look and see what’s out there, how to meet creative people is easy when often groups not only meet but do things together. Meetup is the perfect way to find that creative friend and for that friend to find you!
An Online Class
The number of online classes today, especially after COVID in 2020, are growing at such a rate that it’s hard to count. Also known as eLearning, taking an online class can be just as rewarding as an in-person class and how much more rewarding if you meet the person or people you’re hoping to discover. Unlock your own creativity as how to meet creative people in different kinds of art classes online. A few online course platforms for creatives are: Domestika, CreativeLive, Creativebug, and others. What’s great about these classes is that many of them are free. Some online courses are more interactive than others so make sure and find an online course where there is enough interaction so you can start meeting those creatives you are looking for. Again, many of these classes are for all kinds of creative people from business to architecture.
Take a Class at an Art School or Center
Want something in-person rather than an online class? Try taking an art class at an art school or center in your area. Be courageous, if you are afraid you aren’t gifted in the arts there are classes for all kinds of levels from beginner to advanced. There are usually courses in painting, drawing, sculpting, and others.
Decide what type of creative person you would like to get to know, a visual artist, an artist in literature, decorative arts, plastic arts, graphic arts, the list goes on and decide on the type of artist or creative person you’d like to get to know. If you aren’t sure, just go with your gut and simply give a class a try even if you don’t know the medium. Get to know your instructor, he or she may have some ideas for you on events going on in your area. Once you’ve picked out someone you are interested in getting to know, start to put out those clues that you are looking for a new friend. Look into a few flirting tips, relationships sometimes start in a romantic way too! You never know. Stranger things have happened.
Go to Literature Events
The visual arts aren’t the only place you will find creative people. Creative people are everywhere in every facet of life and work, but a more specific type of creative mind are writers. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, poetry, or memoir, writers are a special breed and you will no doubt find interesting, creative fellowship amongst them. How to meet creative people starts with going to literary events is a place to find creative writers as well as joining a writing group. Again, Meetup hosts many writing groups and it’s okay if you don’t write, in many writing groups only certain people will share their writing and it’s never required. But who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired to generate some of your own writing because often being around creative people can motivate you to branch out and discover new things about yourself.
First Friday Art Walks
This is a tradition that goes on in various cities, specifically in the United States, where art districts come alive on the first Friday of every month. Art galleries open up for showings, it’s a block party and social gathering that opens to the general public. There may be street musicians, belly dancing, pub crawling, jazz musicians, and more. There are “gallery hops” and “art showings,” where both commercial and non-profit organizations open their doors on Friday evening. In many cities, First Fridays are also about African American networking and business opportunities for professionals. There are First Friday happy hours for social networking and more. Some First Fridays don’t involve art, but the event is full of social networking. The First Fridays reach 450,000 professionals throughout the country. Find out if there is a First Friday Art Walk in your area.
Not finding what you’re looking for? Maybe moving is a solution, being in a more cosmopolitan city. How to meet creative people can be found in cities, hubs of social opportunities and interesting people. If you find yourself craving creative people and you can’t find them, maybe it’s time to go to them.
Cities offer wide selections of theater, museums, art galleries, literary and musical events. Socializing is easy and networking is even easier. Cities that are considered the highest ranking of creative professionals are Los Angeles, Tokyo, New York, Paris, Chicago, Berlin, London, Australia, Finland, and Atlanta. Do you maybe want to move to a large city but the idea is daunting? Look into 10 Powerful Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety. Moving is a huge change and it’s natural to be fearful, stay focused and use these tips to help you stay on track if you decide to take the plunge.
Find a New Occupation
There’s always the option of changing careers in order to be around more creative people. Work is a way to be exposed to more creative people and working with them on a team is a great way to get to know them. You’ll notice how they will make decisions unconventionally, won’t be afraid to dream, and put together something new despite the risk of failure. It’s truly inspiring to see how creatives work and think. Still, we must value who we are even if we seem different. We are all creatives, just some more than others.
Again, if we want to find more, larger than life, talented, interesting, creative people, we have to be willing to make the moves we need to make to find those people. How to meet creative people is through occupations, jobs that creative people have are things like film, publishing, advertising, marketing designer, copywriting, graphic design, architecture, acting, software development, and interior design. The list goes on and although you may not be the person who does the art, there are many other positions within a company where your exposure to these people is great. For now your occupation is getting to know creative individuals and with all these suggestions, hopefully you will find an approach that works for you.
To Wrap It Up
Creative people are all around you. Part of it is just deciding what kind of creative person you are seeking. If you expand your definition of what it means to be creative you are certain to start defining more people that you already know as creative. Don’t be afraid to reach out, creative people often are open minded and willing to get to know people from all walks of life. Be straightforward when you meet someone creative. Let them know you admire them for their certain abilities and chances are they will open up.
Sometimes creative people can keep to themselves as they may define themselves as different and misunderstood. Many creative people crave solitude.
Originative people can also sometimes be emotional, dark, or moody. Learning to navigate through the sensitivity of a creative person can take time.
Whatever avenue you take to find creative people, there are many ways. Practice self-acceptance and realize you are creative too. You will be able to relate to these people you are seeking. Don’t take for granted the types of creatives around you that are right under your nose too, and good luck finding the people that you most desire to meet. They’re out there!