Flirting is an expression of interest in a person. It is a mutual and delightful game. Usually, it is based on sexual interest but this is not necessary. For some people, flirting is natural and easy. Others experience great embarrassment when they want to impress someone they like. They try hard to learn how to flirt when they are shy. Although there are no magic tricks for how to be seductive, there are some simple flirting tips to improve your chances to seduce your crush.
When it’s okay to flirt? Whenever you feel a reciprocal interest when showing your affection to your crush. These flirting tips are quite universal and helpful for both guys and girls.
Here is how to play.
Show Your Interest Non-verbally. Our body reacts to everyone we communicate with. Do you know what non-verbal interest looks like? Turn your body to your crush, keep eye contact. Use your smile, which should be symmetric rather than lopsided to show pleasure. Don’t forget about personal boundaries though. Getting too close or openly staring can be read as aggression, which kills the ease that is a core of flirting. Keep in mind that when you initiate contact, it should be short. Make sure it’s reciprocated. If you think that your behavior makes your crush uncomfortable, you should slow down. This is how to be seductive with your body language.
Give Sincere Compliments. We adore compliments, but only if they are sincere. How to be seductive giving a great compliment that resonates? First of all, forget about cheesy pick-up lines. Try to say something authentic and connected with the values you personally cherish or with the things that your crush holds dear. Be specific. Don’t speak in general terms nor hyperbolize praise. It cheapens it. Let it be small, concrete and honest, it will carry more weight then. Try avoiding the use of time and place in the compliment, it will likely insult the person. For example, “You look good for your age”, “You really tried to look good!”, “You look nice in this outfit”, and my favorite, “You look beautiful today!”
Demonstrate Intelligence. Evolution has made us smart creatures, and we should brag about it. A great indicator of intelligence is a sense of humor. So go on, say something funny! Just don’t force yourself to joke. I already wrote about this in the article about mistakes on the first date. Also, you can have a conversation about a topic that shows you’re educated and sharp. Oh yes, intelligence is very, very attractive.
Be Mysterious. Mysteries beckon people. Be a little mysterious and you will interest your crush. If you consider yourself too ordinary to look enigmatic, you are wrong. If you want to develop a mysterious presence, don’t share your thoughts or facts about yourself all the time. Leave some things unsaid. This is one of the best flirting tips I know. It will definitely help you to look a little mysterious, therefore be seductive.
Use Flirty Touch. We are very sensitive to touch and subconsciously know what each type of touch means. It may be love, anger, fear, gratitude, or sympathy. To bring out your admiration, try to naturally touch your crush’s shoulder while talking or joking around. This will let that person know that you like them and help to carefully shorten the distance between you two. However, if they try to avoid your touch, it means they feel uncomfortable for some reason. Perhaps your crush doesn’t have such a strong interest in you or doesn’t want to let you into their personal space. Focusing on how to be seductive is counterproductive at this point.
While these flirting tips are quite general, each game should be approached individually. Be attentive, watch your crush’s reactions and don’t try to apply all these flirting tips at once.
Show Common Interests. We like people who share our interests. Find out more about what your crush is into. Scroll through a couple of their social media accounts or, if possible, talk to their friends. Learn about your crush’s hobbies, where they enjoy traveling, or what movies they prefer to watch. Among this information find something that resonates and start a conversation about it when the opportunity arises. It might start like this, “I heard you’re into mountain biking!” Talking about shared interests is practically the answer to the question “How to flirt with your crush?”
Be Interesting to Yourself. To attract people, we should like ourselves. I have an article on how to accept and love yourself. In short, take care of your health, learn new languages, try new hobbies, travel, read books, meet new people. In other words, broaden your mind. Undoubtedly, a motivated, passionate person is very attractive. The sophisticated inner world, by the way, adds the very mystery I wrote about above.
Imagine That Your Crush Already Likes You. We often underestimate our own chances of capturing someone’s heart. This makes us feel insecure while confidence for acting easily and naturally is so important. How can you set yourself up in a positive way when flirting? Try to imagine that your crush already likes you. It will make you a little more relaxed and help you give out good energy.
Ask Questions. Asking questions is a way to show your interest and learn something new about your crush. Ask them about their passions or opinions. Now I’m going to give you some very important advice that might be one of the best flirting tips you never knew about. Ask your crush about what they would like to do as a child. When we share dear childhood memories with someone, we become closer to that person. However, keep in mind the rule of moderation. Don’t bombard your love interest with questions. It is very important not to be intrusive. Remember the measure and follow the reaction of your crush.
Look Good. This tip might seem trivial, but I really want to get the point across. Buy clothes that fit you well. Take a couple of friends with you to the store for an independent assessment if you are not confident in your taste. I still recommend trusting your own feelings though. Do not forget the accessories that emphasize your personality. Remember the importance of scent. Choose perfume that suits you, it will help you become more seductive. Do you like yourself? Then go ahead!
Exude Confidence (if You are a Guy). Try to look confident. I know that it is difficult when you are next to someone you’re head over heels in love with. However, girls love confident guys. Don’t fidget, keep eye contact. To appear confident, try to sound louder. This doesn’t mean you have to yell. But if you notice that your voice has become quiet from embarrassment, turn up the volume. Remember not to raise your pitch at the end of sentences. If you feel like you’re not coping with nerves, admit your feelings. Emotional frankness is a sign of strength, not weakness. It helps build your confidence.
Wear Red (if You are a Girl) Women in red look more attractive. This has been proven experimentally and is a go-to option for how to be seductive. Men were asked to participate in an experiment that simulates an online conversation with a girl. Two groups of participants were shown pictures of the same lady. The first group got a photo of a girl in a green blouse, the second one – a girl wearing a red outfit. After that, each participant was requested to choose questions that they would ask the girl. It turned out that those men who got a photo of a girl in red put more personal questions. So, if you want to look brighter and be more attractive, wear something red!
Say Your Crush’s Name Often. The dearest word for every person is their own name. We like the sound of our name. We react to it even if we are very busy with something. Moreover, for most people, their name sounds very hot. So, you are able to ignite passions by using your crush’s name more often.
Let Your Crush Do You a Favor. Ask your crush to do something for you. Let it be some small favor. You can combine it with a subtle compliment. For example, “You have such a good taste in fashion! Can you help me pick out some clothes?” Or “You are so cool at interacting with children! Could you give me some advice on how I can get along with my little niece?” Don’t forget, when we do something for someone, we tend to experience warm feelings toward them.
Know When to Stop. Don’t overplay it. Think of flirting as a dance where partners first come closer and then recede. While flirting, it is important to know when to stop. One of the top flirting tips is to disappear for a while right after you have aroused interest. However, don’t confuse it with demonstrating indifference. Keep in touch wisely, for example, by flirting over text. Say good night or remind your crush to take an umbrella if it’s cloudy outside. Then step aside again. No pressure. Dance. Sometimes the best way to make someone fall in love with you and also the answer for the “how to be seductive” question is to show that you respect their personal boundaries, but hint to them that they are definitely better off with you than without.
That’s all the tips for successful flirting! The next time you’re thinking about how to seduce your crush, check out this article! Let it be your best guide in the world of romance.